It’s important to know which STDs have no symptoms.
The CDC estimates that 20 million new STD infections occur each year in the U.S.
-Amy Marturana,
Especially if you’re sexually active, being educated on STD types is a necessary step in caring for yourself and staying healthy. The fact that types of STDs have few or no visible symptoms can be scary, which is why we compiled this list of common STDs that don’t show symptoms.
It is important to note that some STDs appear with different symptoms (or lack thereof) in men and women. Other diseases like HIV and syphilis can take awhile to manifest physical symptoms. Keep reading to learn more about which STDs have no symptoms.
Common Types of STD’s With No Symptoms:
It is also important to note that condoms do not prevent HPV. Especially for those in their adolescence or younger, HPV is often just a minor virus that may even go away after a period of time. However, certain HPV strains can lead to cervical cancer, so it is smart to get tested for it when you go in for a regular pap smear.
Most people with chlamydia will never have any symptoms. This infection in the most common type of STD in women under the age of twenty-five. Sometimes you may experience burning during urination that can be confused with a yeast infection.
If you experience this or any other symptoms like bleeding between periods or pain during sex, that is a sign that you have had chlamydia for a while and is infecting your urinary tract and going further into your body. Left untreated, chlamydia can lead to a greater risk of contracting HIV and can result in PID, or pelvic inflammatory disease. Chlamydia is easily treatable with antibiotics once detected.

This disease is more common in younger people as opposed to older adults. Symptoms are also more common in men than in woman. For example, it takes an average of 2-5 days for symptoms to show in men (if they have any), and for women, it can take 10 days or more. Untreated gonorrhea can cause fertility issues and abnormal and high-risk pregnancies.
The majority of people who contract trichomoniasis may not show any symptoms. However, some symptoms of the STD include genital itching or soreness and burning or discoloration with urination. This STD is treatable with antibiotics and easy to cure if caught early.
Final Thoughts
We hope this article helps you discern which STDs have no symptoms so that you can be more conscious of your sexual health. You can read more about types of STDs and their symptoms here.
Be sure to get regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases to be able to catch and treat these serious infections early on. Abstinence is the only full-proof method of STD prevention.
Since all the infections above often don’t show signs that you have an STD, regular testing is important for those who are sexually active to help prevent things like future health problems for you and your sexual partner(s).
Contact White Rose Women’s Center for local women’s health resources as well as pregnancy resources.