You Have a Right to Know
Free Pregnancy Confirmation & Information on Abortion
In 2003, the Texas Legislature passed the Woman’s Right to Know Act, which states your doctor must talk to you about certain things before you can have an abortion.
In 2011 the Health & Safety Code was amended to require a sonogram and a private consultation with the doctor in person at least 24 hours prior to the abortion .
If you are considering an abortion, download and or print the Booklet or Resource Directory to receive important information that you have a right to know.
After you get this information, your doctor must wait 24 hours before your abortion can be performed. You and your doctor should talk carefully and in private.
Some of the things your doctor must talk about with you include:
- How long you’ve been pregnant.
- The medical risks of having an abortion.
- The medical risks of continuing your pregnancy
You should know that Texas has the “Baby Moses” law , which allows you or the baby’s father to leave the baby up to 60 days old in a safe place without the fear of being charged with a crime provided that the baby is not hurt.
Safe places are hospitals, fire stations, emergency clinics, or licensed adoption agencies.

Come visit a White Rose center if you feel weighed down about being a parent… we can help you!
Free Pregnancy Tests
No appointment necessary.