Should you decide to parent your baby, there are resources available to help you.
It’s important to seek assistance at private and public agencies to see what is available to you.
You may qualify for medical benefits, including assistance with prenatal care, childbirth, and neonatal care. You can also find professional parenting resources and counseling.
Additionally, the father of your child is required by law to help with financial support if you decided to keep the baby.
The Texas Office of the Attorney General can assist you in collecting child support. To contact them, call 1-800-252-8014.
If you are considering an abortion, please learn about your right to know here!

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Texas Law Says You Have a Right to Know
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If you find parenthood too overwhelming, there are other options available. Many women facing a crisis pregnancy find adoption the best option for them.
Resources are available to help you place your child in a loving home. In some cases, expectant mothers are able to play a role in choosing the family that will adopt their child.
Depending on your preference, the adoption can be closed or open. In an open adoption, you retain some forms of contact with your child after they are born.
This might include pictures on their birthday or letters, etc.
To get a fuller understanding of the adoption process, you can speak with a counselor at the White Rose Women’s Center

Pregnancies are terminated in one of two ways, either medically or surgically, depending on how close the unborn baby is to being full-term.
Both methods have serious side effects and risks associated with them. Only a doctor can perform an abortion.
Before you decide to have an abortion, you will be asked about your medical history, undergo a physical and lab tests, and in some cases, an ultrasound.
To make a truly informed decision, seeking professional pre-abortion counseling is an important part of the process.
Click here to read about different types of abortion.